Saturday, 31 December 2011

MacBook Pro - Early 2011 Hardware reliability

I have just crashed for the second time today. Only happens when resuming from sleep while I have an external monitor plugged in.

Searching the Apple forums only adds to the frustration when I read than many others have had this problem for months and Apple is yet to solve. One poster said that Apple Support acknowledge it is a problem. This was back in release 10.7.0. We are now up to 10.7.2 and still no fix.

*Apparently* the Graphics Switching from the Radeon to the built-in Intel (performed to save power when on battery) is what causes the problem when resuming from sleep.

I have just followed the recommendation of disabling the 'Auto Switching' so that it will remain on the AMD Radeon. Lets see when happens!!!


Apple Dev Documentation is slipping

The quality of Apple's Developer documentation is slipping in quality. Take, for example, the Web Services Core Programming Guide:

1) It lacks detail: How many people go looking for Objective-C documentation to understand what a Web Service is and what a SOAP message looks like?

2) The document has several links that don't work.

3) Its very short.


This article is worthy of the Internet. Apple should remove it, replace it with a temporary "sorry for being cr*p" page, and then replace it with something….. useful!

Rant over. Off to bed!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Application Delivery and multi-tiered Apps

The limitations of F5's LTM availability/resilience is defined only by how much you let LTM see. If LTM is position in front of the first tier (web server) then there is difficulty in what it can determine of application availability for the tiers behind that given level. Why? Because application availability is directly related to application visibility.

Consider a market trader, his produce is delivered daily. He can only sell what he sees at that immediate moment. However, a market trader that meets with the produce growers has insight into delivery today and in the future. And insight into trend delivers opportunity to react ahead of crisis.

This is no different for Application Delivery. F5's core development is to ensure fast and reliable delivery but even we struggle to make assurances for what we cannot see.

Ideally, Virtualise each tier of the App with an F5 LTM that is monitoring and measuring in real time. Alternatively, there will always be guess work.


Thursday, 27 January 2011

Overcommitting CPU can be safe

When discussing virtualisation adoption projects, I always ask the question, "How will you realise the consolidation & agility promise that should arise from your investment?". As many of you know, swapping tin for hypervisor offers you little. And, specifically in terms of offload, F5's technology provides significant, albeit the same, benefits whether the service is virtualised or not.

Further consolidation requires automated cause & effect and adding a management tool to the mix that can Observe & React to real-time conditions is the key to getting more out of your infrastructure. Its intelligent automation that allows you to safely implement resource over-subscription; the process of promising a greater sum of RAM & CPU to Virtual Machines than the physical host can actually deliver.

In terms of observation, we've all seen the capabilities of monitoring and reporting tools but a terabyte of analytics doesn't help you deliver a lean, demand-driven service. How far you can sweat your infrastructure (overcommit) depends entirely on how fast the management tools can react to a changes in resource demand.

The challenge of overcommit lies in defining the rules of what is safe. One must define scaling guidelines appropriate to service SLA's. Something along the lines of, "Service Level 1: for every minute it takes to react to an increase in demand, beyond a prescribed threshold, a buffer of x% free resources is required on the host", or words to that effect. The range between your threshold, the trigger to start provisioning a service more resource, and the point at which overcommit has maxed out the host is your calculated risk.

As I see it, how lean you run a service before initiating use of an elastic burst solution comes from the level of confidence you have in your metrics for tolerance Vs. how quick you can adapt.